#news Η Christina Aguilera επιστρέφει!

Η ΦΩΝΑΡΑ επιστρέφει! 2 χρόνια μετά το όχι και τόσο πετυχημένο ‘Lotus’, που προσωπικά το βρήκα καλό album, ηχογραφεί νέο υλικό. Η ίδια επιβεβαίωσε ότι δουλεύει στο studio με τον Pharrell Williams και SURPRISE την LINDA PERRY, υπεύθυνη για πολλά τραγούδια στο MEGA-album ‘Stripped’. Η Christina δήλωσε:

“It’s genuine and it’s heartfelt and I’m very excited to pour my heart out into this record fully, I’ve been gathering and writing and coming up with these amazing ideas for different parts of how I was feeling the past year, so I’m really excited to vocalize all of it and make it all come together. I’ve been loosely working and sort of accumulating ideas for what my next album will be over the last couple of years. I’m excited for my fans to finally be getting something from me — it’s been a while! I’m working with some new producers that I haven’t before. And I’m reuniting with some old producers that I have always had a long time connection with, including Linda Perry who I did ‘Beautiful’ with. We have such a beautiful chemistry and connection”

© 2015, George Michail. All rights reserved.


#BRAND_NEW Inna goes ‘YALLA’!

#teaser! Έρχεται το νέο video clip της Miley!

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