Οι βραβευμένοι με Grammy Imagine Dragons έγραψαν και ηχογράφησαν το τραγούδι τίτλων τέλους για την ταινία κινουμένων σχεδίων της Disney Ralph Breaks the Internet.
O lead singer του συγκροτήματος Dan Reynolds δήλωσε σχετικά:
“It’s a pretty timely movie in a lot of ways in that it addresses some of the issues of identity and loneliness unique to this internet generation. Ralph’s internal struggle for self-acceptance really resonated with us, and this song speaks to that. The song is a dichotomy in some ways, with sometimes heavy lyrics over pretty upbeat instrumentation. The result is a tone that is somewhat bittersweet, which felt appropriate given the complexity of Ralph as a character.”
Ο σκηνοθέτης της ταινίας πρόσθεσε: “It’s a bold choice for an end-credit song because it’s about someone who feels like a zero, someone who hasn’t always felt worthy, someone who’s allowed his entire sense of self to rely on a single friendship. When that friendship is threatened, there’s a lot of insecurity.”
Το νέο single των Imagine Dragons θα περιλαμβάνεται στο Ralph Breaks the Internet soundtrack, που θα κυκλοφορήσει 16/11/2018, ενώ η ταινία θα βγει στους κινηματογράφους 21/11/2018.
Official Video:
Στο ίδιο soundtrack συμμετέχει και η Julia Michaels:
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